Checkmate: 4 Reasons Why Amazon Brand Registry Is Essential to Your Sales Strategy

Selling on Amazon involves strategy, much like a game of chess. You analyze your opposition and plan moves that will place your brand in the winning position. You invest in an Amazon listing optimization service, revamp your lifestyle and product photography, and create clean and clever copy. All the while, you anticipate victory—checkmate. 

Your objective? Customers’ attention. 

Your prize? Conversions. 

Your power move? Brand registry.

When you Amazon brand register, you unlock a plethora of previously unobtainable benefits such as greater brand representation, security tools, and famously effective EBC/A+ Content. These features help your Amazon conversion rate skyrocket by unlocking the full potential of your Amazon listings.

Why Brand Register? We’re Glad You Asked.

Amazon brand registry can turn your product listings on Amazon from pawns to powerful queens. Explore these features and discover why brand registering may be your best move yet:

  1. Powerful Search and Reporting Tools
  2. Additional Proactive Brand Protections
  3. Access to Multiple Brand-Building Benefits
  4. It’s Free!

1. Powerful Search and Reporting Tools

Brand registry with Amazon makes safeguarding your brand simpler. Instead of being powerless, you can take action. In fact, private label Amazon sellers found and reported 99% fewer suspected infringements than before the launch of brand registry. 

Your tools include:

  • Global search: Find content from different Amazon stores without having to navigate from your page.
  • Image search: Discover product listings on Amazon that match your product(s) or logo(s) using images.
  • Bulk ASIN search: Search for a list of ASINs or product URLs in bulk to quickly explore and report potentially infringing content.
  • Sort view: Identify average customer ratings of ASINs to gauge popularity.

After you use your search and report tools, brand registry creates workflows of your results. All you have to do is submit these potential infringements to Amazon for review and appropriate action. 

2. Additional Proactive Brand Protections

In chess, your king is under attack even in moments that seem safe. In the same way, you may feel your listing is secure when it is not. If you aren’t brand registered, other people (including malicious competitors) can make changes to your Amazon listing’s title, bullet points, and images. These actions harm your conversion rates, return rates, brand image, reputation, reviews, and can jeopardize your Amazon account.

Scary, right?

Thankfully, brand registry in Amazon helps protect you from this and other threats, keeping your listing (and your brand) safe. 

3. Access to Multiple Brand-Building Benefits

The more control you have over your brand’s representation, the better. Customer’s flock to a strong visual and textual brand story. Luckily, brand registry gives you control over both and more through features, including:

  • A+ Content, formerly called Enhanced Brand Content or EBC Content and Premium A+ Content
  • Brand Story
  • Brand Stores
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Brand Dashboard and Brand Analytics
  • Amazon Posts (Beta)
  • Amazon Vine
  • Complementary Product Sets (Pilot Program for April 2024)

EBC/A+ Content

A+ content on Amazon replaces a completely textual HTML description with imagery-packed appeal. Think of it like a mini website for your product and brand.

Here are the first few sections of an EBC description we created for SplashEZ:

SplazhEZ A+ Content and Expert Amazon Listing Optimization by Emmazon

SplazhEZ A+ Content Copywriting by Marketing by Emma Expert Amazon Listing Optimization Services

Playful, committed to education, caring—all this apparent from just the first three of the seven allowable Amazon EBC sections or “modules.”

But this listing doesn't just look good, it also performs unbelievably well. We helped launch this product in Spring 2019. It spent much of last summer in the top 100 Toys & Games. And now that the weather is warm again, it's back to the #1 Bestseller spot it its category! 

And that's not all. EBC/A+ content, available only through brand registering, boosts your Amazon success through:

  • Bringing Your Products to Life

A+ Content not only allows more characters (thus, more information) than HTML descriptions, but combines copy with photography. This pairing grabs attention, inspires emotional connection, and informs about your product’s size, special features, atmosphere, and more.

  • Fleshing Out Your Brand

Your customers want connections. Amazon listings with A+ Content have the space to display your brand’s voice and values, encouraging customer loyalty.

  • Showcasing Product Range 

A+ Content has come a long way in the last few years. From limited, boxy modules to dynamic variety, there are so many unique modules to explore. One particularly valuable module is the "simple comparison chart," which allows customers to easily compare products without having to leave your listing:

Amazon A+ Content Modules - Standard Comparison Chart for Amazon Listing Optimization

This feature is a great way to help customers easily differentiate between products that are similar or may be difficult to compare. It can also be an incredible tool for cross-promoting other items in your catalog to already-eager customers.

  • Enabling Video Function 

Why read it when you can watch it? With A+ Content, you gain video capabilities, too! This video appears with your product images and holds many advantages like faster comprehension, easier understanding, and better engagement (more on that in a later post!).

Brand Stores

Brand Stores are another important feature you gain with brand registering. 

It’s exactly like it sounds: a customizable store which allows you to present your brand identity, display your brand’s products, showcase your story. Your store is an easy avenue for customers to discover all your brand has to offer.

Bosch Amazon Brand Store Benefit of Brand Registry and Amazon Listing Optimization

Your brand store is also a landing page for Sponsored Brands campaigns (more on that in the next section).

Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands is a banner based, PPC (pay-per-click), customizable (to a certain extent) ad format for advertising on Amazon. Most often, you can find them at the top of a search page, though they can pop up in different places. These ads offer brand discovery opportunities to lower funnel customers, thereby taking out your opponent’s pawns, one by one. 

Brand Dashboard and Brand Analytics

Found in your Seller Central, your Brand Dashboard and Brand Analytics tools give you a play-by-play of your strategy. 

Your Dashboard tool provides you with a visual overview of your brand’s overall performance. 

Your Analytics tool offers you a range of reports with valuable insights into specialized areas such as brand health, conversions, and traffic. 

Amazon Posts (Beta)

Like a social media feed with marketing benefits, Amazon posts is an especially powerful addition to brand registry perks. Posts is a new image-based browsing experience for Amazon shoppers to discover brands and products.

Amazon Posts New PPC program for Amazon Registered Brands

Through Amazon posts, you can publish tailored content to your brand’s feed and share this content via URL. Each post links to that product’s detail page. Once posted, your content will pop up on detail pages, in feeds for related products, and in category-based feeds

This gives you a fresh yet familiar way to advertise your brand’s story and products across Amazon.

Amazon Vine

How do customers choose products? Many rely heavily on the help of honest reviews. This powerful form of social proof is an essential ingredient to generating and sustaining sales, but can be increasingly difficult for new sellers and products to achieve organically.

Amazon Vine supplies your products with these truthful reviews by selecting top-rated reviewers to post comments about new or pre-released products. By inviting only the most trusted reviewers to participate, Amazon Vine ensures unbiased opinions that will help your customers make confident purchasing decisions.

Complementary Product Sets

One exciting new feature currently available through a pilot program for select brand-registered sellers is Complementary Product Sets. This tool allows brands to showcase related products that work well together, such as a shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, and dry shampoo.

There are two modules available under this Complementary Product Sets feature:

Product Showcase Cards: This module displays a carousel of up to four related products, each with its own image, title, and rating information.

Single Image with Text: This module features a single, curated image representing the complementary product set, along with text highlighting the products included.
To participate in this pilot, brands must have at least 2 and no more than 4 products that meet the eligibility criteria - each product must have at least a 4-star rating and receive high traffic on the Amazon marketplace. This 5-week trial launched on April 2, 2024 and is currently only available to select brand-registered sellers.

While the exact placement on the product detail page has not yet been finalized, these Complementary Product Sets will be displayed under the header "Shop the Brand Collection" to help customers easily discover related items from the same brand.

4. It’s Free!

When something so beneficial is free of additional cost, results become even sweeter. The only money you’ll spend during the brand registry process will be in registering your trademark in the relevant country or countries. 

Question: Why haven't you registered your brand yet?

A Word From The Chess (*Cough* Marketing) Champions

Dominate your competition and take your private label Amazon selling to new heights with a strong brand and the help of brand registry! 

Whether you need a second opinion or a whole new strategy, we at Marketing by Emma are here to help. We're happy to create your brand registered content with our A+ Content Amazon Listing Optimization servicesAnd of course, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

It’s checkmate time! 

Emma Gooch

Emma is a copywriter, ballet instructor, and word enthusiast. When not working or focusing on her master's homework, you can find her in the kitchen baking sweets or cocooned in a blanket reading books.

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