From Guesswork to Strategy: How Brand Analytics Informs Amazon Decisions

Amazon has become the go-to e-commerce platform for consumers, with its expansive selection, convenience, and confidence in the shopping experience. For brands selling on Amazon, understanding how your products perform within this vast marketplace is essential but often challenging without access to shopper insights. This is where tools from Amazon Brand Analytics comes in—providing brands access to a treasure trove of data on real customer demographics, purchasing behavior, and brand preferences.

In this blog post, we will explore how Amazon Brand Analytics equips you with valuable insights into the key metrics that matter, including traffic sources, best-selling items, loyalty trends, search results, and detailed demographic data. With this level of transparency, brands can tailor inventory, product launches, marketing campaigns, and more to resonate with target shoppers. We will also highlight specific reports within Brand Analytics and how data-driven decisions in these areas translate to sales success on Amazon.

Any brand selling on Amazon owes it to itself to utilize Brand Analytics for an inside look into exactly how its products are discovered, perceived, and purchased on the platform. Let’s explore why this perspective is invaluable for brands aiming to win on the world's largest online marketplace.

Getting Started

runner at the starting block representing how the search query performance dashboard lets you have a broad understanding of your target market

Accessing Brand Analytics

Depending on your account type, you can access Brand Analytics through the Amazon Seller Central or Vendor Central dashboard.

Brand Analytics is available to registered Brand owners directly within Amazon Seller Central. From your Seller Central Dashboard, simply click the main menu, select "Brands," and then click on "Brand Analytics."

For a walkthrough on accessing these reports, watch this video from Amazon's Seller University.

Understanding the Layout

The dashboard organizes reports into sections including Demographics, Shopper Behavior, Market Baskets, Item Comparison, and Search Terms. Scan through the report types to understand the data available, which spans shopper statistics, purchase funnels, product affinity, competitors, keywords, and beyond.

Brand Analytics includes several reports and features that provide data on how your products and brands perform on Amazon. Each report page can be viewed directly within the dashboard, or you can opt to download the data as CSV files for additional analysis. Turn on one-click report downloads in settings to eliminate re-prompting each download. Download reports regularly, such as weekly or monthly, to help identify trends over time.

Available Reports

reports showing what customers search for and how customers interact along the shopping journey

Brand Analytics provides business intelligence through the following in-depth reports:

  • Search Term Report: Shows the search terms that customers use, allowing you to optimize your product listings with relevant keywords to improve visibility.

  • Demographics Report: Provides business insights into the age, income, gender, and education level of your customers, helping you tailor your business strategies.

  • Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior: Offers information on products frequently viewed and purchased instead of yours, enabling you to understand your competitors and customer preferences better.

  • Market Basket Analysis: Reveals products commonly bought together with yours, which can inform bundling strategies and cross-promotions.

  • Repeat Purchase Behavior: Tracks products customers buy repeatedly. Identifying your repeat customers can be crucial for understanding loyalty and product lifecycle.

With these reports, you can uncover opportunities for tailoring inventory, product launches, promotions, advertising, and brand messaging after identifying trends in Brand Analytics. For example, you may discover underserved markets based on search analytics or location data, or high cross-selling potential products to consider bundling offers. Use data-backed insights to fuel decisions.

Understanding Customer Behavior and Demographics with Brand Analytics

person buying apples representing how the search query performance dashboard can help reach business objectives

One of the most powerful aspects of Amazon Brand Analytics is its ability to provide brand and small business owners with a deep dive into customer behavior and demographics. This level of insight is crucial for tailoring product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer experiences that resonate with your target audience. Below, we explore the key areas where Brand Analytics sheds light on customer interactions and demographics, offering a goldmine of data for brands on Amazon.

Traffic Sources Driving Brand Exposure

railroad tracks symbolizing the customer journey and how potential customers find products

Brand Analytics allows you to understand the various traffic sources contributing to your brand’s visibility on Amazon. This includes organic search traffic, paid advertising efforts, and external traffic from social media or other websites. By analyzing these sources, you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively, focusing on the channels that drive the most valuable traffic to your listings.

Performance by Product Line, Category, and Market

rings on a tree stump symbolizing how the dashboard displays can boost product sales

Drilling down into the performance of specific product lines, categories, and markets gives you a clearer picture of your strengths and opportunities. Brand Analytics breaks down sales data, allowing you to identify which products are performing well and which may need a strategic pivot. This insight is vital for inventory management, product development, and expansion strategies.

Sales Volumes, Demand Forecasts, and Best Sellers

book bestseller sign symbolizing how strategic decisions can boost your brand's share on search results

Understanding your sales volumes and being able to forecast demand accurately are key benefits of Brand Analytics. It helps you anticipate market trends, manage stock levels efficiently, and spot your best-selling products. This foresight enables you to make informed decisions about product launches, promotions, and discontinuations.

Breakdown of Customer Age, Gender, and Location

different sizes of owl cartoons representing the demographic data that your dashboard shows

The demographic data available through Brand Analytics offers a breakdown of your customer base by age, gender, and location. This transparency into who your customers are allows for more targeted campaigns and product development to create something that caters to the preferences and needs of your core audience.

Purchase Frequency and Loyalty

coca cola bottle on the beach symbolizing how repeat ordered product sales drives business

Brand Analytics provides insights into how frequently customers are purchasing your products and their loyalty to your brand. Tracking repeat customers and brand loyalty metrics can help you identify your most valuable customers and develop strategies to increase customer retention.

Devices and Platforms Used by Shoppers

hands holding a smarphone symbolizing how these tools give insights into how clients make purchases

In today’s multi-device world, understanding which devices and platforms your customers are using to shop is crucial. Brand Analytics offers data on whether your customers are shopping via mobile devices, desktop computers, or Amazon’s mobile app. This information can guide you in optimizing your product listings and marketing messages for the platforms where your customers are most active.

Case Studies

While the extensive data and reports from Brand Analytics present invaluable business insights throughout, it can still be hard to envision how these analytics translate into concrete strategies and sales impact. Using real-world examples and case studies can make these connections more tangible—showing exactly how data-driven decisions influenced by Brand Analytics analysis led to improved success on Amazon.

Let's look at two examples:

Company A utilized the Demographics report and saw that 60% of its customers were females under 35. However, up until now, its marketing has targeted both genders more evenly. By shifting its sponsored ads and content to focus more closely on its core young female demographic, Company A increased Amazon conversions by 30% over the following months.

Company B leveraged the Search Terms report and noticed growing searches for "fair trade coffee pods" and related sustainability keywords. In response, it highlighted its direct trade sourcing and ethical production more prominently in its product listings and Brand Story. This helped Company B rank higher in these rising keyword searches, leading to a 45% increase in organic site traffic from customers interested in ethical business practices.

Let Data Lead and Sales Will Follow

sales data on two screens representing how these business insights can create cross marketing opportunities

The immense data and unparalleled transparency offered by Amazon Brand Analytics deliver the consumer insights brands need to thrive in the world's largest marketplace. By arming yourself with an intimate understanding of customer demographics, behaviors, product preferences, and more, you can actively shape business strategies to align with shopper demand. Regular analysis of Brand Analytics reports combined with concrete actions—whether adapting listings, customizing marketing, or launching products informed by data—is the winning playbook to differentiate your brand.

Treat Brand Analytics as an indispensable guidance system at every stage, from initial product research to inventory planning to forecasting future growth opportunities. Let shopper data drive an optimized end-to-end experience that converts at every touchpoint. With this level of data-powered personalization to your loyal customers’ needs, Brand Analytics features will transform from nice-to-have into must-have. The proof lies in the definitive sales surges from brands who embrace the consumer closeness this exclusive visibility provides. Learn from their successes—invest in Brand Analytics today to catapult your Amazon presence tomorrow.

The depth of data within Amazon Brand Analytics enables smarter business decisions, but making sense of it all can still feel overwhelming. If you need guidance translating shopper insights into strategic actions tailored to your brand, we're here to help. Let us turn your analytics insights into impact with a custom action plan to catapult your Amazon presence and sales. Request your free Amazon Listing Analysis today by reaching out to our team.

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