Reach for 5 Stars: Tips to Avoid Negative Reviews on Amazon
Reviews are powerful because they act as digital word of mouth. Whether you're a veteran seller or just starting out, bad reviews are the stuff of nightmares. After all, they can have a real impact on your bottom line.
Take a look at these customer statistics:
- 84% of online shoppers trust reviews
- 82% of US adults check out reviews when purchasing
- 15% of consumers are mistrustful of products that don’t have reviews
So how can you bolster your listing with great reviews?
Give yourself some peace of mind by compiling an Amazon listing that attracts your dream customer and establishes the right expectations.
Know Your Enemy:
Studying your foe will reveal its weaknesses and show you how to defeat it. Remember—knowledge is power. While some Amazon sellers try to remove negative reviews, unfortunately, once a customer clicks “Submit,” their feedback is there for good. You can’t buy reviews of Amazon, remove negative comments, or provide incentives for customers to leave a good word. Do your best to understand why negative reviews occur. With a solid strategy you can prevent negative Amazon reviews and start racking up more 5 stars.
Common Causes for Returns and Critical Reviews
- Product is different than described or pictured
- Product packaging is damaged or seals are broken
- The product is the incorrect size or not what the consumer imagined
- Product broke quickly or is poor quality
Some of these things aren’t easily avoided. You don't always have control over the manufacturing process, sometimes the material isn’t all you thought it would be, and there might be a defect you had no control over. Crummy stuff happens, and products are subject to the flaws of the materials and humans constructing them.
Still, there are actions you do have control over. Give yourself all the advantages you can get with these 5 tips for selling on Amazon.
5 Tips to Avoid the One-Star Review
Tip 1: Be Crystal Clear

- Avoid direct claims like “Shrink your pores in 2 uses!” or “This will save the environment!”
- Be honest about the limits of your product. If your product will break when dropped, don’t say it’s indestructible.
Being transparent about what your product can really do will keep people from purchasing something that doesn’t meet their expectations, which in turn drives them to return the item and leave a bad review.
Tip 2: And Action!

- Utilize the product video feature.
- This Amazon feature for Registered Brands fosters a true-to-life experience and shows the product in action so customers know what they are getting. With so many purchases made online instead of in-person these days, this type of information and marketing is crucial. Make sure to follow Amazon’s requirements.
Tip 3: Don’t Go Crazy with Photo Edits

- Make sure your photos represent your product well and aren't oversaturated or filtered—in other words, misrepresenting the color of your product. You of course want your photos to be crisp, clear, and attractive, but don’t compromise the actual features of your product in favor of a nice filter. Photo text to clearly explain your imagery is highly recommended, too! In addition, make sure to stay within the Amazon guidelines for images:
- TIFF, JPEG, GIF, and PNG format
- Image pixel dimensions of at least 1000 or larger
- sRGB or CMYK color mode
- Images must contain your product
Tip 4: Hit the Mark

- Take up space: Utilize all the space available to you in your bullets, A+ content, and product description.
- Be clear: Make the benefits, features, and limitations of your product clear.
- Maintain integrity: Describe your product exactly as it is and how it is meant to improve the life of the buyer.
Tip 5: Speak to Your Audience

- Assess your reviews and common questions, then research your niche audience so you can tailor your listing to their expectations.
- Speak to your target audience with a tone that appeals to them. For example, if you are selling bar soap for those with sensitive skin, you would want to use calming language and avoid using terms like “scrub” or “intense.”
- Be specific, and make it clear who this product is for. A broad description could leave buyers with more questions than answers.
Build a 5-Star-Worthy Listing
Are you receiving critical reviews and aren’t sure why? We can analyze your listing and offer some insight! Reach for the stars and achieve your Amazon goals. We are ready to help you optimize your listings and avoid common Amazon pitfalls.
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