Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Amazon Listing: Niche vs. Broad Keywords

Finding the right keywords to optimize your Amazon product listings is an intricate balancing act rivaling the focus of a circus performer. With over 12 million products on Amazon, using the precise keywords that get your listings in front of interested buyers can feel like walking a tightrope between two skyscrapers.

Choose broader keywords and get more initial traffic, but lower conversion. Or go find niche keywords to draw in targeted shoppers, even though fewer searchers will find you. By combining broad and niche key phrases strategically, sellers can capture the high visibility of popular searches along with the conversion upside of honing in on a subset of highly relevant traffic. It’s Amazon keyword optimization at its finest.

In this guide, we’ll spotlight best practices for balancing broad and niche keywords in your listings for maximum sales. You’ll learn:

  • The pros and cons of targeting both broad and niche keyword suggestions

  • A framework for blending these two key types effectively

  • Tips for continually optimizing your keyword research based on performance data

With the right keyword tightrope act, you can grab buyer attention amidst Amazon’s twelve million product circus and drive more conversions at the same time. Let’s dive in!

Broad Keywords

large fishing net symbolizing broad keyword research and keywords for seo


Broad keywords are general terms with high search volume that describe your overall product category and attributes. If you're selling a coffee maker for example, broad match keywords could include simply "coffee maker," "drip coffee machine," or "12-cup coffee maker." These simplistic but popular search results drive large amounts of traffic—for instance, "coffee maker" averages 757,060 monthly searches on Amazon alone. Leveraging broad matches allows you to tap into this high search volume and get your listings in front of a wider audience.

However, the tradeoff is that broad keywords bring in a more diverse customer base at various stages of the buyer's journey. This high search volume encompasses shoppers who are browsing with low search intent as well as others who are ready to purchase on the spot.

Therefore, your product listing needs to quickly capture attention and persuade even the casual browser to become a buyer. Using compelling bullets, crisp imagery, and persuasive ad copy can help convert those broad keyword searches into actual sales.

Eager to learn more? Dive deeper into tips for optimizing your Amazon content strategy!

Niche Keywords

berry picking symbolizing niche keyword list use and niche keywords with lower search volume


In contrast, niche keywords are more specific, such as "thermal coffee maker with stainless steel carafe" or "programmable coffee maker under $50." The search volume is lower, but still substantial for these precise queries. For example, the term "thermal coffee maker" drives around 2,300 Amazon searches a month. But what niche keywords lack in search volume, they make up for in visitor quality and conversion potential. Shoppers finding your listing from a niche keyword search have more buying intent and interest in specific product features or benefits. They are further along the path to purchase compared to broad keyword visitors. This leads to higher conversion rates as well as the potential for repeat business and brand loyalty.

Optimizing for niche keywords requires some additional effort—you need to find niche keywords and niche-relevant attributes that fit with your title, bullets, and description. But this effort pays dividends through conversions of ready-to-buy shoppers. You also face less competition with laser-focused niche terms compared to broader searches with lower search intent.

Root vs. Long-Tail Keywords

woman at crossroads symbolizing balancing targeted keywords or niche keywords and broader search results


When considering keyword types, there is another key distinction—root keywords versus long-tail keywords. Root keywords, sometimes called "seed" keywords, are very broad single words or short phrases that describe a general product category. For example "coffee" or "espresso machine" would be root keywords. They tend to have high search volume, but attract a diverse audience.

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific multi-word phrases like "semi-automatic espresso machine under $300." They have lower traffic numbers, but hyper-focused relevance for attracting motivated buyers.

Balancing Broad and Niche Keywords

stacked rocks symbolizing the balance between broad keyword ideas and niche target keywords


The key to keyword optimization is finding the optimal mix of broad and niche keywords. This harmonious approach to keyword research allows you to maximize both high visitor traffic and conversion rates. You want to cast a wide net with popular root keywords like “coffee maker” (757K searches) or “espresso machine” to drive initial interest and visibility. These form the foundation of tapping into the broad buyer pool.

Then you want to find niche keywords like “thermal coffee maker with glass carafe” (1.7K searches) or “semi-automatic espresso machine under $300” (820 searches). Though fewer people search these terms, those who do are highly targeted, ready-to-buy shoppers.

Optimizing for both traffic volume and conversion potential is the sweet spot. Broad root keywords bring in the masses and help with brand-building. Multi-word niche keywords deliver qualified traffic that converts at higher rates. Blend them strategically to get targeted traffic and elevate your Amazon listings above the competition. Cast a wide net, then use precision targeting to fill your conversion bucket with buyers motivated to purchase exactly what you offer.

Testing and Refining Your Keyword Strategy

scrabble tiles spelling refine symbolizing the need to update your keyword research process


Keyword optimization should be an ongoing process using experimentation and data. Continually track performance metrics around rankings, impressions, clicks, add-to-cart rates, and sales for both individual keywords and groups. A keyword research tool like Helium 10 or SellerCentral can automate this keyword research process. As the data comes in, test changes to underperforming keywords.

For example, if the niche keyword phrase “thermal coffee maker with glass carafe” drives add-to-cart rates of 12% but conversions of only 8%, try substituting it with another long tail keyword like “insulated thermal coffee pot” instead. Iterate through keyword variations while monitoring the impact on clicks, orders, and revenue. This performance-optimization cycle is key for staying ahead on Amazon. Traffic and conversion trends change, so your keywords should shift as well. 

Check out this video to go deeper into the world of Amazon SEO.

Bring It All Together

desk setup with keyword planner and tech for keyword research tools


Finding the ideal blend of broad and niche keywords is crucial for making your product stand out in the expansive Amazon marketplace. Broad terms bring in high search volume—use these to drive initial interest. Niche keywords deliver targeted, conversion-ready traffic—optimize for these to boost sales.

The key is balance. Cast a wide net with popular root keywords to increase visibility. Zero in on strategic niche keyword phrases to convert hyper-focused shoppers. Refine based on performance data and replace keywords to match the latest trends.

With this keyword approach, you can maximize both traffic relevancy and conversion rates. Meet consumers where they are in their journey with a mixture of discovery-phase and purchase-intent keywords. This ever-evolving strategy will set your listing apart, driving more sales now and into the future.

Not sure where to start or is this balancing act not your strong suit? Take advantage of our expertise and let us help you weave an Amazon listing with an essential blend of keywords that draw in your dream customer. Reach out to us here or send us your listing for a free analysis. We can't wait to hear from you.

Josie Luebbert

Josie is an editor, French translator, and overall word nerd. When not playing with words, you'll find her at the barn riding her beloved pony and exploring the challenging sport of dressage.

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